Malena DeMartini's Mission POSSIBLE

Online Help for Dogs with Separation Anxiety!



Mission POSSIBLE is an online course written by Malena DeMartini, international speaker and renowned author of the book, "Separation Anxiety in Dogs, Next Generation, Treatment Protocols, and Practices."


The course is geared for guardians who are struggling with their dog's separation distress. Dog trainers and behavior counselors can also benefit from this course as an intro to how a training plan is set up and carried out!


Should you prefer, I will still work one-on-one with you, however for those that feel that they work best with an online format, or if you have financial contraints, you can still get the help you need for your dog.


Malena DeMartini has written 30 modules containing video, additional written material, links, and a manual. Added value - Certified Separation Anxiety Trainers are available each day to answer any questions you may have.


You'll learn:

  • How desensitization works for the fastest results.
  • About body language and stress thresholds.
  • How to manage and suspend absences.
  • How to assess your own dog using the step-by-step manual.
  • How to begin the work.
  • Why it's important to work alongside your Veterinarian.


Mission POSSIBLE is offered at $199 with lifetime access.  Use coupon code CSAT50 and save an additional $50!


Follow this link for more information and registration!


Mission POSSIBLE Online Course



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